We Did Not Send Our Son II

Our son converged many warriors
And joined hands with others
The enemy of your enemy is your friend
So our son said
He went out to conquer his enemy
His foe became our foe
His friends became our friend
We waged war
We fought like never before
Our son was a serious fighter
But he was not the commander
Our son sold his right to lead the war
He opted to be the king maker
The commander took a break
And our son took the lead
Fortunately we won
But when the table for diving the spoil was set
We realized that our son was not the commander
Our son was not among the generals
Our lovely son was a mere foot soldier

Our son was given morsels
As others ate oguch gweno
our son was given orenge
Others took boche
All he got were bones
While the rest sat on the high table
Our own was placed behind with the ordinaries
He should have listened our son
And quit his battles
We would have turned our foes to friends
We would have received fatter parts of the cow
We would have received a fair share of the big kuon
But our son had his plans

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