We can do better as a country

Corruption is gradually killing us,
Indeed it has turned into a curse,
Development funds gobbled by selfish leaders,
In fact they no longer lead us,
But we can do better as a country

Bribery has become our second nature,
Painting our beloved country in bad picture,
Why can’t we say enough is enough?
Or is it too tough?
No! We can do better as a country.

Extra judicial killings are openly celebrated,
Police brutality accepted and funded,
Yet it is the tax payers they beat
burying justice in a deep pit.
Don’t they know we can do better as a country?

Must bosses first be paid?
Must one have tall relatives to be employed?
Academic papers no longer matter,
Only back doors work faster.
Yet we can do better as a country

Elections are no longer based on who has majority votes,
Sometimes they are declared by the courts,
Worse, some rig themselves in,
Even though in God’s sight it is a sin,
Surely, can’t we do better as a country?

Let us sit and in our conscience reflect,
Whether our constitution we can respect,
We need to come together as a country,
United together for a common purpose without worry,
Because we can do better as a country!

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